Friday, July 8, 2011

The WereWolf and The Slayer chpt. 1

The Slayer and The Werewolf Chpt. 1

    I took in the love I was receiving from the fans in the crowd with a huge smile on my face.  This is it, finally after being in the business for so long, I finally gained the opportunity to fight for the WWE Divas Championship.  It was Power to The People Night and the fans got to choose who they wanted to face Nikki Bella for the WWE Divas Championship.  The 3 contenders they had a choice of choosing was between Beth Phoenix, Natalya and I.  Turns out most of their votes came to me making me begin to cry tears of joy.  Natalya and Beth both were very happy for me as the hugged me and urged  me to win and achieve my dream of becoming the new Divas Champ.  I felt so determined and hungry for that title as I waited by the curtain for my cue to come out.
    After waiting for a little while for Nikki Bella to make her entrance and wait for me in the ring along with Brie being at ringside, I came out pumped up more than ever to a huge pop.  I blew kisses to the crowd after saluting them then ran right into the ring all perky.
    “The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WWE divas Championship!”
The in ring announcer began as the crowd cheered.
    “Introducing first the current WWE Divas Champion from Scottsdale, Arizona, Nikki Bella!”
As she raised up her title with a snotty look of pride on her face, the crowd booed much to her disgust as Brie shot them all an evil glare due to their hospitality towards her sister Nikki.
    “And introducing the challenger from West Newbury, Massachusetts Nikie
The crowd instantly gave me a huge pop as me and Nikki intensely stared each other down.
    Before I knew it, the bell has rung and the match has begun.  Refusing to back down, I immediately tackled her but she brought the fight too using her strength to stop me from attempting to knock her down.  So instead, we tested each other’s own inner strength until Brie decided to distract the ref causing Nikki to get the upper hand sneakily grabbing hold of my hair and jolting my hand back making me fall back head first causing me to wince in pain as Nikki stared on with a devil smirk on her face as the crowd booed her.  Brie decided to leave the ref alone and he got to concentrate on the match once again as Nikki jumped on top of me punching me continuously.  I was beginning to lose consciousness as she continued to punch my face. 
The crowd began to cheer me on urging me to fight back.  (AN: Angel fighter is my in ring name lmfao I couldn’t think of anything else except Cena Angel and well I can’t use that coz key word I’m secretly in love with John Cena okay?[= ) Finally, with my inner super human strength, I managed to push her off me literally causing her to fly off me into the air and face first onto the concrete floor out side of the ring causing every single living soul in the arena to gasp.  I was even stunned as I stood up not realizing the strength inside of me.  The crowd broke out in massive cheers upon seeing this.
    “My gosh Josh did you see that?  I always thought Nikie was one sexy powerful Diva but that kind of strength makes her even more sexy than she was before!”
Said Jerry ’the king’ Lawler in amazement.

    “I know right? I mean look at Nikki Bella she seems to be completely out cold!”
Josh Matthew’s stated stunned himself.
    “Oh stop it!  Enough!  Poor Nikki Bella is hurt and Brie looks devastated seeing her sister completely knocked out unconsciousness.  Nikie Maria should get fired for that!  She should have learned how to control that strength of hers.”
Michael Cole said in disgust.
I waited in the ring with a smile on my face proud of myself leaning against the rope as the ref began his count.
    “Ladies and gentleman as a result of a count it, here is your winner and your new WWE Divas Champion…Nikie Maria!!!!!!!!!!”
Yelled the in ring announcer as the ref lifted up my hand in victory handing me the Divas Championship… Divas Championship.
    I held the championship before holding it up high feeling so many emotions inside.  I couldn’t help but cry out tears of complete and utter happiness as I held up my championship with pride before grabbing a mic.
    “Thank you thank you thank you!  I couldn’t have done it without your votes from all of you the WWE Universe.  Finally after so long, what I would only be dreaming about while sleeping soundly in my bed as finally become my reality.  As your new Divas Champion, I promise I’ll never let any of you down!  I will always defend this Divas Championship proudly and no matter how much pain I endure, I will never give up!
Thank you once again!  I love you all.”
I blew a big fat kiss to the audience as they cheered loud and proud as I skipped my way down the ramp heading backstage.
    Somewhere Else in the World
No one’s POV

    Taking sip of his wine while violently biting off the leg of a dead pig straight of the bone eating it as he stared into the TV with disgust re-playing the part where the slayer had used her super human strength against the Bella twin.  Looking closely, he knew right away that Nikie Maria was indeed the werewolf slayer he has been obsessed with killing ever since kindergarten in the most gruesome way anyone can ever imagine but kept on failing in the end to do so because of one John Felix Anthony Cena, the werewolf who has been secretly in love with her all along but never admitted his feelings to her because he didn’t know if she felt the same way or not.  Clenching his fists even thinking of how all these years he could never get his grubby hands on Nikie  due to that bloody imbecile Cena made the anger in him rise as the desire to torcher Nikie to death grew more and more inside of him.
    “That bloody werewolf actually thinks him and Nikie are meant to be.  What a freaking retard to actually think a SLAYER can actually fall in love with a WEREWOLF like him.  He needs to wake up to reality and get it through his thick skull she will never love him the way he loves her.  What does he think this is?  Angel or Buffy the Vampire Slayer?”
The Rock questioned throwing his glass of wine across the room roughly letting out a small laugh rolling his eyes.

    “Well well well Cena, hate to birst your bubble but this time, you cannot protect your precious lover from me!  Coz without you knowing, I know exactly were her candy ass is!  Time for the rock to feast on human flesh! Ha-ha and Cena can’t do a damn thing about it!  I know this slayer slays werewolves but I am just too strong for her to bare.  Come to my stomach my pretty!”   With that said, the werewolf who has been obsessed with tasting Nikie got ready, made his way out of his mansion which is located just outside of Los Angelos, California and headed in the direction were Raw was taking place and hid in the woods until it was time for him to strike.
Mine aka Nikie Maria’s POV

    I am so full of emotion.  Nothing can ruin the mood I am currently feeling.  I held my new Divas title with pride and joy in my green eyes as tears filled them still not believing I had actually won my very first title. 
    “I see exactly what you mean John, exactly what you mean.”
I smiled to myself knowing this was probably exactly the same way John Cena….the man I have been secretly in love with since kindergarten must of felt when he first won the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania 21.  Tears of pure love filled my eyes just remembering how happy he really was when he won that wwe title for the very first time as a huge grin plastered all over my face. For some reason…every time I see him happy, I feel so good inside.  Whenever he is sad, however, I feel as if someone ripped my heart out of its socket and shattered into zillions of pieces throwing it down a cliff.  When he’s injured, I’m dead inside….. Could those be signs of me falling in love with him?  I know
 what your thinking, if I’ve been in love with him in all these years I have known him, how come I still haven’t confessed these feelings to him?  Well, it is because I’m a slayer, a werewolf slayer.  Being a slayer, you have rules, and the number one rule is: Don’t fall in love with anyone because that would put them in danger as in; they’d immediately turn into pray for the werewolves….. Although I never really understood that rule, because being a slayer, I could easily protect the one I love from the werewolves, right?  At least that is what one would think.  However, it turns out it’s not that easy according to the rule book for slayers.  When a slayer is in love with someone, without knowing it, they get held down by emotions, emotions that prevent the slayer from keeping he/she’s head in the game, basically.  Which means, instead of protecting your loved one from the werewolves like the slayer may think he/she is doing, they are actually putting their lover in harms way.  So for John Cena’s own good, no matter how much he means to me, I can’t be with him if he’s a human, and unfortunately for me, he’s a human. (AN: For anyone reading this fan-fic who may be confused, in the fic, I do NOT know John Cena is a werewolf yet FYI)
    As I was too busy being lost in thought while roaming the halls, I heard shouting coming out of Alex Riley’s locker room…...
    “What the hell do you think you’re doing, flirting with Randy effing Orton behind my back huh?  You worthless WHORE!?”
I heard Riley snap angrily.  I also heard Heather balling her eyes out profusely.  Oh my god, HEATHER!  I thought rushing over to Riley’s locker room.  I peeked in and literally seen him swing at her face!
    “You are mine and ONLY mine!  Understand?!”

Riley said violently grabbing her and shoving her against the wall.  In response, she nodded with fear in her tearful eyes.
He eased up on her and calmed down.
    “Now if you excuse me, I’m going to go to the trainers room and get pumped up for my match later tonight.  You stay here and be a good little girl or else!” 
Riley warned adding more evinces on the last part.  As he headed out of the locker room, I hurried and ducked behind the wall in a way he couldn’t see me. 
    When the coast was clear, without a second thought, I went into the locker room and immediately brought Heather into a warm hug as she cried on my shoulder.
    “Th-the way he wa-was at-talking a-ab-about me ma-made me fe-feel like a u-useless ham-ham burger.”
She choked out through sobs before breaking down completely. 
    “Girl you know that’s not true.  You’re no ham burger.  You’re a flayminyone steak and Mr. Right would agree.  The only reason why Riley wouldn’t agree is because he’s Mr. Wrong.” 
I comfortably re-assured my good friend causing her to calm down. 
    “Thank you…. It’s just that…….. I kept telling him that Randy’s just a friend an-and he wouldn’t believe me and star-started to hi-hit me.”
Heather said having an emotional melt down all over again.  I instantly pulled away while looking her in the eye with a dead serious look on my face and said,
    “You mean to tell me you’re in an abusive relationship and you haven’t told a
single soul?!  Heather, you know a lot better than that come on now.”
She just sighed heavily.
    “Well, he threatened to kill me if I either told anyone about him hurting me emotionally or physically or if I ever decided to break up with him.”
She paused, letting a few tears fall.
    “I don’t know what to do, Nikie.  I mean when I first met him, he seemed like the sweetest guy but as soon as we started going out, he has gotten more and more obsessive over me to the point it’s unhealthy.  I mean I can’t even have a guy friend with him as my aggressive, demanding, selfish, heartless, controlling boyfriend.”
Heather sobbed uncontrollably. 
I started with sympathy going to console her but she pushed me aside.
    “I just need some fresh air if you don’t mind…. I just want to be alone.”
She said and before I could say anything, she rushed out of the locker room in a flash.
    “Poor girl.”
I shook my head.  Mark my words, if I knew Alex Riley was a werewolf, he’d be the one werewolf I’ll be super glad to kill with pride for hurting my friend like that.  I thought to myself thinking he’s a human…..a feeling less human though.  (AN: the funny thing is, Riley IS a werewolf in this but one of the bad ones who is completely obsessed with Heather in a horrible way.)
    I shrugged hoping Heather would end up being okay after all, there are plenty of other fish out there you just have to fish hard for them…sometimes VERY hard instead of wheeling in a bunch of assholes wheel in someone who would make you feel like a
princess.  So anyways, I finally decided to see what my two best friends in the whole wide world were up to so I began heading to our locker room that the 3 of us share.  Just the thought of Jenny and John Cena bring back loads of memories into my brain and I couldn’t help but smile to myself remembering all of them.  You see, Jenny, John and I have always been like the 3 amigos since day one.  We fight together, we ride together, and we always get loud together!  As John would always say and well, its true.  The 3 of us have been through a lot together dating back since kindergarten.  However, through it all, we never once left each others side.  You mess with one of us and your effing with the all of us like it or not!  We stand in each others corner through the good AND bad, thick and thin, dark and light no matter what the current situation may be!  Sure we have had our ups and downs, but no matter what, we stand together and never abandon one another.  I am 100 percent sure I know everything about Jenny and John, we never once hid anything from each other…except well, I do take that part back…. Being a slayer, you have enemies meaning, your friends cannot know you’re a slayer because that would put them in danger.  No matter how close you are to them, they cannot know about your personal life as a slayer.  So, me being a slayer is the one and only thing I kept a secret away from Jenny…… and John…..even though its VERY hard to keep it from John….hell its hard to keep anything from him…….I mean those soft….ocean…..warm….baby blue eyes of his makes you want to confess the world to him…. mentally hits self snap outta it Nikie!  Your not allowed to fall in love with a human being!  But I can’t help it……. His kind-hearted soul……how dorky he is at times……makes him be so damn adorable…….gorgeous….sweet self with a heart that just refuses to quit……..NIKIE STOP!  STOP THINKING OF JOHN MOTHER EFFING  CENA!!!!!!!!!!!  YOU CANNOT LOVE…..YOUR NOT ALLOWED TO!!!!!!!!1 IF U REALLY LOVE HIM, LET HIM GO!!!!!!! ITS FOR H-I-S SAFTY!!!!!!!!  YOU WANNA PROTECT HIM IF YOU LOVE HIM NOT THROW HIM IN HARMS WAY!!!!!!!  My conscience is fighting with me back and forth inside…….But I listened to the last part, because the sudden reality of me not being able to fall in love hit my heart hard causing me to frown.
    “I hate being a slayer!”
I cursed underneath my breath.  But, unfortunately, I was destined to be one…… and you can’t always decide what your destiny is going to be, so I guess me being a slayer is mine.  Due to not being able to be in a relationship, my spirits are kind of broken until of cores, I run into Jenny and John….having their awkward……brotherly-sisterly moments and let me tell ya, literally no matter how down I was feeling at the moment, those moments of theirs completely make me lose memory on whatever the hell it was that made me feel down in the very first place.
    “You know sis I’m really getting sick of you steeling all my cherry tomatoes!”
John growled glaring at a evilly laughing Jenny, who just stuck her tongue out at him in response.  John just rolled his eyes before turning around just in time to see me and he immediately smiled, causing me to smile back at him.
    “Ahh Nikie’s here, what a sigh of relieve.  She always has my back against you.  She’s like my angel while your like my devil.  Ain’t that right Nikie?”
John Cena said flashing his adorable dimply smile showing off his pearly whites at me causing my heart to skip a beat.  I could feel myself blushing when he called me his angel.  He probably just said that in passing….it probably wasn’t a big deal.  But still, him calling me that secretly meant a lot to me.  Nikie effing snap out of it already!  My conscience screamed at me.  So I did and just simply smiled back at him in return before saying,
    “Damn right Johnny.”
    “ah-HA told ya sis!”
Me and John laughed together as Jenny just sighed in defeat.
    “ughh whatever you both are freaking dorks its obvious you 2 have a thing for each other.”
Jenny smirked. John and I just rolled our eyes
    “What me and John?  No, we like each other, but not like THAT!”
    “What me and Nikie?  No, we like each other, but not like THAT!”
John and I awkwardly said at the same exact time. 
    “Whatever you both are in denial and you know you 2 are too!”
Jenny smirked giving us that all too familiar evil look getting ready to sing that certain song about John and I……..
John and I both shouted in unison.  However, Jenny completely ignored us and continued anyway.
    “Nikie and John…sitting in a tree…..K-I-S-S-I-N-G first comes LOVE then comes MARRIAGE then comes……….BABY JOHN IN A BABY CARRAGE”
    “SHUT UP JENNY!!!!!!!”
John and I both screamed at the top of our lungs feeling each others faces turning bright red.  Jenny just laughed hysterically.
    “Oh you two fantasize about having a life together and you know it!” 
Jenny smirked.  John sighed.
    “You just don’t give up do you Jenny?”
    “Well you’re the one who taught me not to give up so don’t penalize me for not giving up!  After all, in the end, you both will thank me for being Mrs. Cupid!” 
John and I just both sighed feeling defeated.  John glanced at the time for a quick second and saw it read 11:59 pm.  All of a sudden, he looked very uneasy.
    “John, are you okay?”  I asked him touching his arm.
    “I-I-I-I’m fine, just uhh, gotta go!”
And just like that, right before the clock struck 12 midnight, John was gone and out of sight. 
    “Well that was weird…”
I shrugged.  No response.
I looked up, she was gone too. 
    “Gee I wonder what those two dorks are up to now!… and do I even wanna know?  Nahh… I’ll pass.”
I said to myself before shaking my head.  Anyways, I gotta get going too.  Its 12, and you know what that means for us slayers, time to go werewolf hunting!

Somewhere in the woods
Heather's POV

I swear I cannot stop crying  I thought to myself continuously having the nervous breakdown I've been having ever since Riley changed into this.....this monster I never knew existed in him.  Anyways, as I'm sobbing non-stop, I hear branches crackling all around me and stopped, got extremely quiet and scared as I continue to lean against this tree.  I then suddenly remembered that asshole threatened to do something to me if I left the locker room, which I did.

 "Riley if this is your idea of a sick joke guess what?!  I'm not playing anymore just leave me al-"

Before I could finish, a werewolf's viscous growl stopped me dead in my tracks making me froze.  Something told me this was the end for me as my life flashed before my own eyes...I closed my eyes hoping the agonizing pain I am about to feel won't last very long as I felt the werewolf tackle me....sniffing me.....probably getting ready to eat me when all of a sudden, I heard it whimper out in pain. I slowly opened my eyes seeing the werewolf fall on its back with a sword through its stomach...dead.  Before I could say anything, this gorgeous man hovered over me with concern-filled eyes as he gently stroked my face.

"Are you okay, sweetie?"

He asked me sweetly and softly careful not to startle me.  I couldn't help but warmly smile at him seeing how kind and caring he was being.  

"I'm fine that you saved my life."  

I smiled.

"That's good.  You take care of yourself now?  Kay beautiful...there is a lot of strange, dangerous creatures out around this time, especially."  

He went to walk away but I stopped him.

"Wait, what's your name?  Who are you?"

I asked eagerly... damn was I falling in love with this guy I hardly even met already?  He chuckled.

"The names Eric. And yours?"

He smiled a beautiful smile at me.


I proudly answered his question.

"Well Heather, its nice meeting you."  He smiled but I show fangs...

"Wait, your not human are you?"

I questioned beginning to feel freaked out by him.... but instantly regretting it seeing the look of hurt in his eyes.

"I'm a vampire, yes, but Heather, I promise, I won't hurt you."

I frowned. I walked up to him and hugged him close.

"You saved my life, that makes you my hero, just because your a vampire doesn't mean your a monster."  

I wispered softly immediately causing him to kiss me but he broke it right away.


"No...its ok...I like that u kissed me"

I smiled as we both willingly pulled each other into a passionate kiss this time, making it last longer than just a second.

Immediately, I was 100 over Riley.....I'm moving on with this Eric guy, one man I automatically know just by looking in his eyes won't hurt me......if anything, he'd protect me.  I'm holding onto Eric and never letting go............

Somewhere in the meadow
Alex Riley (in his werewolf form) POV

I growled viciously feeling foam in my mouth as my paw clinched the ground hard with my sharp nails eeing that...that vampire all over MY girl!  Heather is MY property no one elses.....and if I have of these days, I'd be more than happy to have vampire for dinner.  I thought licking my chops glaring down at the dead werewolf who failed me. 

Somewhere else in the dark woods,
mine aka Nikie Maria's POV

Nikie out ready to Slay!

So here I am... wondering around the woods looking for some werewolves....bunnies even?  IDK ANYTHING to slay at this point coz I'm getting bored out of my mind.  My slaying spirit is heart broken coz I have yet to come across a one fudging werewolf! One may think I am being thee biggest hypocrite who ever lived, right?!  And that's because not too long ago I mentioned how much I hate being a slayer now I'm complaining how I got nothing to slay!  Let me tell you why I'm like that.  It's because no matter how much a slayer gets frusterated with being a slayer, its in their blood to slay, I mean, for some odd reason, we feel the need to slay something and if we don't get to, we seemingly get restless....

"Oh wolves! Come out come out wherever you are!"  

I snapped. Still nothing...not even a single howl.

"Aww what is this now?  Chicken out night?  Come on bitches if you want some, come get some coz the slaying!"

There you go doing his catchphases again!  My conscience hissed at me, again!  Yeah, so?  Quit fudging getting on my ass about it!  Okay?  Its not my fault Mr. John Felix Anthony Cena is so damn EASY to love!  I mentally yelled back at my own conscience until I heard screaming.....I looked into the direction the screaming was coming from and smiled a smile that said I am ready for a fight!

"Okay, girl in trouble it sounds like....its up to me to save her.  Oh yeah, this sounds like not one not two but a large pack of wolves!  Oh yeah, its show time baby!"

I yelled out feeling pumped and ready to slay some werewolf ASSESSSSSSS!!!!!   Without a second thought, I ran right into the direction the screaming was coming from!

Kat's POV

I feel shaken up inside as the tears of fear flooded my face as the pack of wolves surrounded me in a circle....nowhere else to go....nowhere else to run I slowly backed up as they all inched their way closer stalking me as if I'm their pray until my back hit a tree..and thats when I knew I was stuck.

"Otunga, you be the first to jump at her this time."  
I heard one bark at another...

"Why so I can once again do all the dirty work...u know when the damn human is still alive and puts up a good fight being as stubern as ever, tiring me out tho i manage to kill them anyway then while im too tired to enjoy a good feast you get the human all to urself is that it Wade?"  

Another one seemed to growl at the one who barked at him.

"Can you please just do as he says David?  I'm effing hungry!" 

I heard a 3rd one hiss out as it foamed at the mouth licking its chops staring right at me with hunger in his spooky sharp eyes....freaking the living shit out of me for one.

"Ofcores you are Husky Harris when arn't you hungry?" 

Another barked.  Causing the werewolf to growl at that one.

"Shut up and make me a cheese burger Mrs. Wendy!!" 

"Thats Heath Slater to you fat ass make your own gosh dang cheese burger!"  

I turned around and saw the 5th werewolf roll its eyes..........which was really weird to see a wolf actually be able to roll its eyes........

 "would u just both shut up, wade, im really getting restless when the hell r we going to finish off this human?"

"Soon Magillitcutty......soon if bloody otunga would just obay my order already!"

growled wade.

 I just slowly looked around at all of my surroundings and spotted one of these 7 werewolf's staring at me with....sympathy?  In his eyes?  To be honest for a wolf, he had the most sweetest, heart-warming brown eyes I've ever seen....and unlike the other 6, it looked as if he didn't want to hurt me.....

"And why the hell is Justin Gabriel so damn quiet!"

Tarver demanded an explanation through gritted sharp fangs.

"Yea, thats exactly what I'd like to know."

Barrett stared at Gabriel with peircing icy green eyes.

 "I...think we should just leave this human alone...."

 The wolf with the warm brown eyes whimpered out all of a sudden....

 Barrett just sneered.

 "Oh and how come I sense you have feelings for this human?  You know what Gabriel?  You're pathetic and weak.  Get out of my sight before we all gang up on YOU first.  After all, I'm curious to see how yummy African meat would taste."

 I do not know why, but seeing the wolves turn away their attention from me and to the sweet looking wolf instead who I locked eyes with, broke my heart....oh shit....don't tell me I'm falling in love with a WEREWOLF!  Snap out of it Kat!  You're a happily TAKEN women!  Taken by the Chicago Blackhawks own.... handsome.....sweet Patrick Kane....... and Kaner even changed just for you Kat!  He's not the player he used to be.........and thats because of YOU He fell in love with YOU Kat, so don't go thinking about anybody else.  Thats right, I love Patrick Kane........ and ONLY Patrick Kane.  I thought to myself as my conscience made me open up my eyes.  Although, I still felt for this brown-eyed werewolf........ and I don't know why I hardly even know him......but I care about him.

 "Screw you Barrett, seriously I'm sick of this shit.  The poor girl is TERRIFIED! Wade, were you not born with a heart?  It really looks like the good lord forgot to give you one!"

howled Justin Gabriel, which caused me to jump but another part of me wishes someone heard that howl so they can save me from these stupid werewolves.  Don't get me wrong, I care about that brown-eyed werewolf but, I don't feel safe, I feel the safest with Patrick Kane........

 My aka Nikie Maria's POV

 I heard that howl and immediately finally got to were the werewolves are.  I hurried using my super human strength flying up into a tree staring down the werewolves intensely.  None of the werewolves could see me but I could see them.  The only one who spotted me was one with brown eyes.....

"Its the slayer......."

Justin Gabriel gasped under his breath then looked right into Kat......

"Your safe now beautiful, so don't be scared.  I gotta go."

He whimpered out startling Kat.  Barrett just looked at him like he's high on drugs.

"Bloody hell did you just say?"  

However, by the time Wade Barrett finished that sentence, Justin Gabriel had already flied deep into the woods......something told me not to harm that one so I listened to my instincts so I just let the brown-eyed werewolf go free because I trusted he was good, not evil.

"Fine, be that way, miss out on the feast of your precious girlfriend here, Gabriel, but make my words you-"

 Wade Barrett was cut off feeling my blade hit the top of his werewolf form as I jumped out right from the top of the tree and just like that, he collapsed right to the cold ground, dead.

"Oh damn, we're fucked...."

Muttered David Otunga under his breath as the dance begun.  Michael Tarver pounced right at me causing me to jump into the air and do a flip and with perfect aim, my sword cut right through his heart and BAM!  He was done for.  Landing on my two feet, I held my sword up stalking my pray with it with fire in my eyes starring down Michael Magillitcutty.

"Hey female, don't you have a husband to cook for?"

I just laughed before saying,

"Yeah, I do and your the meal!"

I jumped into the air and just cut through magillitcutty's stomach and he was finished. Just when I stopped to take a breath.  I soon felt Husky Harris and David Otunga both charge for me so using my fast reflexes, I simply turned around to see my sword right through them both as they dropped dead.  I then turned and looked at a horrified Heath Slater and smirked.

 "Do you want the same fate as your little friends Wendy?"

 I laughed wickedly staring him down.

 "Uhhh, I sware this wasn't even my idea!  Honestly, for dinner, I truly would settle with Wendys instead. I mean no offense but u hu-humans taste dis-di-dis-disgusting."  He studered out while trembling in fear.  Yes, being a slayer, I could understand what the werewolves are saying...something told me Heath Slater didn't mean any harm either....sometimes, I just loved scaring some of the good ones for fun if they go down the bad road by hanging with bad werewolves like Wade Barrett, David Otunga, Michael Tarver, Michael Magillitcutty, and Husky Harris.

 "Fine, I'll spare you. Now go on, get........before I change my mind."  I smirked deviously.

 (AN:As you all can tell I am really having a lot of fun with this fan-fic xDDDDD LMFAOOOOO oh and I respect ALL wrestlers in real life, so please keep in mind this is only fantasy! lol xPPPP)


 and without a second thought, Heath Slater rushed deep into the woods and completely out of mine and Kat's sight.  I turned around with a warm smile on my face lightening up from what my fighting mood was like.

 "You okay."  I asked with concern.  Kat didn't say anything, she just kept starring at all the dead werewolves then a smile crept her face as she looked back up at me.

 "Okay........that was fucking awesome!!!!!!"

 She beemed.  I just smiled humbly.

 "Nah it was noth-" Kat cut me off.


 "Uhh it was in the jeans I guess."

 I shrugged.

 "Nikie, I'm fuckin serious.  That shit was fucking amazing!  How the hell did you learn how to fight like that?  Why the fuck do u not use any of those moves in the ring!?"

 "Coz I don't wanna hurt a human being for real!"

 I said in all seriousness before laughing.

 "Oh little sis you are just full of questions today arn't ya?"

 I sighed continuing to laugh some more.

 "I  Nikie, that was incredible!"

I just shook my head like it was really no big deal.

"Kat, its nothing, for real.  I sensed you, a good friend of mine was in trouble, so I just simply did what I could to save you."

 I smiled.

 "Thats not nothing, thats something.  Nikie, people would KILL to have that kind of strength!  I think what you did was outstanding and nothing can change my mind about that either!"

She smiled.  I just smiled back.

"Well, thank you."

"Your Welcome, its the truth!"

We brought each other into a friendly hug until we heard a familiar voice calling for Kat.

"Kat, oh my god, baby I've been looking all over for you.  I-I was so worried something might of hap-happened to you. Thank god your okay."

A emotional Patrick Kane said gently bringing Kat into his arms looking like he never wants to let go.
"I'm fine believe me, you should have seen what my friend Nikie did!  She saved my life!"

She smiled. I just rolled my eyes, laughing.

"It was nothing really."

"No, you saved the love of my life.  I gotta thank you for that."

Patrick said hugging me.

"It's really no problem.  Kat's my friend and I'm not gonna let a bunch of hungry werewolves go after her like that."

"Yeah well, once again, thank you."

He then turned to kat gently caressing her check.

"Hey you okay babe?  I mean, you must me shooken up over what had happened tonight."

Said Patrick Kane to Kat in a deeply concerned, caring tone.

"Well, I'm not gonna lie one of the werewolves looked like he didn't want to hurt me and cared for me  unlike the others....but I still feared him and deep in my heart my mind was only and one man and that man"

Kat warmly smiled as Kaner gently pulled her close to him and together, they kissed passionately.  Both looking like they don't want to leave eachothers side.  I couldn't help but smile feeling happy for them.  Meanwhile, without us knowing, Justin Gabriel was lerking through the woods still in his werewolf form gritting his teeth.

"I'll show that scumbag human who's nothing but a lieing, cheeting, sleezy, foul.  One of these days......mark my words."

Justin hissed showing his fangs viciously dreaming of the day those fangs pierce right through Patrick Kane...... talk about jealousy........could he be falling for Kat?  

Somewhere else in the woods next to a creek
Jenny (in werewolf form) POV

The full moon shined brightly down Cody and I as we continued making love the way wolves usually do....(AN: Jenny, just use your imagination on this one LOL I don't know how to go into detail about animals making love so yeah...xD  Hope you like it tho! [= ) as we licked eachother, our noses were touching and I gotta say, it feels so good to be like this just Cody and I....noone to bother us..........or interupt was?  Well, the last part, I take back coz of the pack Cody is in.  Although they broke apart onscreen, off screen, they still stuck together as Legacy.  Legacy is a pack of three wolves, Ted Dibiase, who I don't like very much judging by what Cody says about him.... he's arogant as hell and thinks he's gods gift to the world because he has money.... yeah, he's worse than his father.  Anyways, the werewolf pack of Legacy only has 3 members, Ted, my secret lover Cody Rhodes and their leader, Randy Orton.  In case you're wondering, I'm a werewolf, and John Cena is too.  Except, our whole family and I are the only ones who know he's a werewolf.  John and I have always been close.  The Cenas are a family of werewolf descent.  Of cores, they all think I'm human...but really, I'm a werewolf too.  No one knows this except Cody.  Randy and Ted don't even know.  They just think I'm a human Cody has fallen in love with and had agreed to protect me from the evil creatures for the sake of Cody.  Also, Randy see's me as like a daughter so he has no problem keeping me safe.  However, me and Ted have a horrible time getting along.  So most of the time when I secretly hang out with Cody in Legacy's private cabin out here in the woods, Randy keeps Ted and I away from each other so we don't end up tearing each other's heads off.  And if your wondering, no I haven't told my over protective brother about me seeing Cody.  Here's why, he thinks I am a human, not a werewolf and well, he doesn't trust Legacy.  He told me on more than one occasion to stay far away from them because it would only put me in danger.  To be quite honest, he's full of it.  I mean I love my brother but sometimes, he's too protective.  I mean Legacy really isn't all that bad once you get to know them... Well Ted can be a pain, and well Randy, I love him but he's just as protective as John.... Remember the part I said about John not trusting Legacy?  He means as in Cody and Ted..He trusts Randy to keep me far away from Ted and Cody.....but mine and Randy's little secret is I get to hang out with Cody atleast..coz we secretly love eachother....but we have to hang out as friends rolls eyes least when Randy's around or else, he'll admit to John I've been hanging out with Cody all this time.  But really?  What's so bad about Cody?  I mean theres sometime special about Cody......and I trust him with my life.  Before Cody and I could go further into our werewolf make-out session, we heard Randy howling calling for us to go back inside the mobile cabin of his.  It's mobile because we work for the WWE and we travel a lot.  I hurried and changed back into my human form.

"Here put some cloths on so Randy and Ted aren't suspicious of anything."

"Thank you."

I took the cloths from him and throw them on.

(AN: I really do think Jenny sort of looks like Beth Pheonix so I decided to make Beth be her. [= )

 "So, how do I look?"  
 I asked Cody smiling at him.

 "Dashingly sexy."  

 He winked, I just blushed.  

 "Aww thank you.  Now come on, we gotta head back to the cabin...except, I don't have a flashlight to see."

 I frowned.

 "It's okay, I'll be your guiding light."

 Cody smiled taking my hand and leading me safely into the cabin's direction.

 "Wait, John and Nikie are gonna be wondering where I'm at."  

 I sighed at the mere thought of facing the 20 questions...

 "Just tell them you were with Randy.  Easy as that.  Randy is the only one out of Legacy he actually trusts."

 "Very true they've been the best of buddies since Ohio Valley."  


 "You're the best Cody, thanks."

 "It's my pleasure."  

 We leaned into kiss one last time when Randy or Ted, the tattle tale weren't looking before getting into Legacy's mobile cabin.  

Deep into the dark woods
 2:45 am
 My aka Nikie Maria's POV

When the hell are these woods going to end and I finally see a sign of civility...  I thought to myself as I continued to walk but feel like passing out.  
 "When the hell am I going to get to the damn hotel?"  

 I said out loud beginning to get frustrated.  Fighting a pack of werewolves truly takes a lot out of you. You know how earlier I was begging for them to come out because I was hungry for a fight?  Well now I'm praying they don't even make the effort to show an appearance!  I'm cranky, tired, and hungry for a late night snack!  I'm sure I'm following the right directions to the hotel through the woods, but, I still have 15 miles to go til I get there walking-distance wise.  Although, it feels more like 1500 seeing I'm in a seemingly never-ending forest.   Then, out of nowhere, I heard the crackling sound of branches breaking and footsteps from a short distance.  Immediately I pulled out my sword as I got myself in a defense position.


I managed to get out as fear took over my insides, but of cores I didn't let it show.  If a werewolf knows your afraid of them, that automatically makes you easy prey for them. I know I came out has tough earlier, but there are certain werewolves out there that are more powerful than others and sometimes...too much for a slayer to handle.....especially when he/she has just got out of a battle with other werewolves not to long ago............And that's why I'm praying to god another werewolf doesn't jump out at me. I soon then heard one of the bushes moving...and before I know it............something jumped out right at me.  I was about to scream once the thing had jumped out, but then breathed a sigh of relief seeing it was only a bunny rabbit.  I began to laugh at myself.

"Well I'm starting to think I hang around werewolves to much to be that af-" I completely froze in fear hearing the loudest, most vicious, gruesome, growl you can ever and I mean EVER hear.  I took a huge gulp as I heard it running at me just picturing the thing.........hell whatever if was coming at me with force.  I even went to swallow.  I felt it hit my back and immediately shot my eyes up and screamed my guts out in pure fear. 

"MY BACK MY BACK MY-my..........I'm still in one piece?!"  

I questioned myself out loud realizing I feel perfectly fine as reality suddenly hit me like a ton of bricks upon hearing familiar laughter............  

"Jamila you bitch!"  

I snapped glaring at her as she was laughing hysterically.

"You should of, you should of seen the look on your face!"  

She was practically rolling all over the ground now.  I just shook my head.

"Seriously Jammy?  That ain't funny.  I really was scared."

I frowned with a dead serious look on my face, which caused her to stop laughing and brought me into a comforting hug.

"Okay I'm sorry for spooking you out, but girl, you really need to relax more.  Just think, YOU'RE the slayer, NOT the werewolves, if anything, you SLAY the werewolves so just think, next time you think you're coming across a werewolf, they are more afraid of me than I am of them.  Okay?"

Jamila smiled.  I smiled back.

"Thanks Jamila, you're the best."

"Damn right I am bitch and don't you forget it!"

She jokingly laughed causing me to laugh with her.

"Well it's getting pretty freaking late and you know Vince, so I'm gonna call it a night. Wov ya!"

Jamila smiled heading over to her car.

"Oh and u sure you don't want a ride back to the hotel?  Coz I can give you one if you want."

Offered Jamila.

"Nah, I'm fine."

"You sure?"

"Positive...actually, I got a lot on my mind...I really feel like walking alone back to the hotel."

"Okay but girl, you know me, I'm sending a search party for you if your still not at the hotel by tomarrow morning."

I had to roll my eyes before laughing

"Bye Jamila."

"Bye and HEY!  Don't you roll your eyes at me missy!  I'm just being a good friend caring for you!"

She laughed.

"I know I know and same to you.  Now goodnight!"

"pssst ok good night to you too piss pot."

I just rolled my eyes with a smirk as she laughed at me before driving away.  I let out a sigh of relief.

"Finally, alone again.  Just me, myself and I...finally..."  
 I said out loud as I continued my walk as it continued to get darker and darker......  It was now 3:00 in the morning and it was getting so cold.  Then out of nowhere, I heard that same growl I heard earlier again...... and decided to speed up my pace 

"They're more afraid of you than you are of them They're more afraid of you than you are of them They're more afraid of you than you are of them."

I repeated softly to myself as the growl only got louder..........


At this point, I was running as fast as I possibly could as the growling got louder and LOUDER and L-O-U-D-E-R. I felt the feeling of something chasing me from behind through the bushes.  panic took over my whole body as I ran so fast in the dark, I could barely see what I was doing and before I knew it, my foot got caught underneath some root and I fell right onto a fallen log that once belonged to a tree.  


 I winced pulling myself up so my back rested onto the log seeing as I was into much pain to get back up on my feet.  At this very moment, I knew I was in for a fight against a werewolf and if I'm going to make out of this alive, then I'm gonna have to slay the thing.  I went to pick up my sword which was only inches away from me but unfortunately, I couldn't reach it even after desperately trying to.  Then something caught my eye right there, in the corner of the bush, out of nowhere the scariest, meanest, thoughtless looking HUGE werewolf jumped right out it about to pounce at me spitting out,

 "This is the end, Slayer.  Your candy ass is soon to be my dinner!" 

 I closed my eyes hoping whatever this monster is going to do to me is painless after accepting this may as well indeed be the end for me."  

 Then, literally out of no where, without expecting it, another werewolf jumped out of the bushes in the opposite direction knocking dwayne 'the rock' johnson off of me then turning to look at me while dwayne was still gazed with these.....rather familiar-looking, beautiful somewhat sad looking warm ocean blue eyes that were filled with concern.  I locked eyes with him for a second until my senses told me dwayne got back up and was starring down this beautiful blue eyed werewolf with pure evil pitch dark eyes.  

"Look out!"  I screamed feeling my body begin to tremble not wanting this mysterious kind-hearted blue-eyed  werewolf to get hurt.........but it was too late, before he could even turn around, dwayne bit his right shoulder blade causing him to whimper like a lost puppy wanting to be loved......and I'd be glad to be the one to love him..... What the?  Oh great my fuckin conscience kicks in.....again!    

 "What are you doing saving her Cena?  You listen and you listen good! coz the rock knows what he is talking about when he says THE SLAYER DOESN'T LOVE YOU AND NEVER FREAKING WILL LOVE YOU SHE CANNOT AND WILL NOT LOVE YOU SO YOUR WASTING YOUR TIME PROTECTING SOMEONE WHO DOESN'T CARE IF YOUR DEAD OR ALIVE WEREWOLF!!!!!!!!"  

 He tightened his grip on the good wolf's shoulder, causing me to develop tears in my eyes.  It broke me to see this werewolf hurt......  but why?  Something tells me this werewolf is someone I really truly care about and know very well.  I was gonna yell for that evil monster to let go of him but he finally did, and hissed at me in the progress.

 "You might have been saved this time, but next time, mark my words slayer, you will all be mine!"  

 And finally, just like that, the asshole vanished.  I finally managed to get back up and tend to the blue-eyed werewolf who is.....whimpering while he's licking his wound.  I gently placed my hand on him but he quickly shoved it away with his paw.  I didn't get why though.  It was now 4:27 am, it began getting lighter, I looked back at the werewolf and his werewolf form was begining to wear off and turn back into its human form.....and it was.......John Cena.  


 He reached out touching his wound. So many of my tears were being held back inside as some dropped from my eyes seeing the deep cut on his shoulder blade that kept on bleeding......He clinched to his side while holding his arm were the injured shoulder blade was.

(AN: Damn that part where my baby boo John Cena got hurt was so damn hard for me to write!  But just continue to read, it's soooo cute what happens between me and him [= )


 I said with compassion in my voice going to gently touch his wound, but he pushed away. 

 "What the?  John, why in the hell are you shoving me away?" 

 I asked with hurt in my voice. 

 "I mean I just want to see if your going to be okay."

 I asked hiding the tears from him. 

 "I'm fine." 

 He said bluntly while slowly but surely getting himself back up on his feet brushing off dirt. 

 "I was asking coz I care....." 

 I said wholeheartedly meaning every single word. 

 "Well I'm fine so you can get lost and leave me the hell alone!" 

 I couldn't help but choke back on tears hearing him say that.

 "John, you're hurt.  I'm not leaving you alone like this." 

 I said slowly walking up to him and gently touching his wound.  I pulled out a first aids kit out of my bag that I usually carry with me in case I were to get injured in a fight.  I took out a cloth and wet it alittle with this special liquid that heals injuries and gently stroked his injured shoulder blade with it causing him to moan slightly as the wound healed up fast and closed up the cut and he stopped bleeding.  John and I took a few deep breathes as we locked eyes.  He was the first to break away though.

"I'm sorry Nikie.....but I gotta go.  I'll be seeing you around....."  He went to walk away but I stopped him.

 "Wait, you saved my life.  I thank you for that." 

 I said hoping he would stay.  He just nodded his head and went to walk away once more but I stopped him again....

 "I love you." 

 John stopped in his tracks turned around and starred right at me with icy eyes..

 "That's not what Dwayne said."

He snot back coldly.  I just rolled my eyes.

 "Forget what Dwayne said!  Okay?  He's WRONG!  And if you believe he is right then you need to check yourself into a mental institution because ever since kindergarten, ever since we met and laid eyes on eachother....... I-I-I felt a connection between us.  I didn't want to say anything because I wasn't sure if you felt the same way.  I'm confessing to you right now John Felix Anthony Cena, I love you.  I've been loving you all along.  I've always loved you and deep inside me, my heart has always longed to be with you.  But I couldn't because I thought you were human and an- and me secretly being a slayer I wasn't allowed to be in a relationship.  So thats the only reason why I didn't want to go further than just being friends because......because I don't want to risk you getting hurt or worse even......Because I wouldn't want to live if you were gone........I need you hear, I need you alive, I-I" 

 I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath hoping he would believe me because that is ALL true. 

 "Still, you heard Dwayne.  Your a SLAYER, Nikie, and I'm a WEREWOLF!  How can we possibly work?  I-I love you too but.......... Dwayne he said......he said." 

 I walked up to him, gently wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into a kiss. 

 "Forget what Dwayne said, he's full of lies." 

 I smiled warmly at him while stroking his cheek gently with my hand. 

 "But...its dangerous.  It's dangerous slayer, don't you see?  My family is full of werewolves. Well, except Jenny, she's a human.  But, I can't.....I just can't.  Dwayne's words have gotten inside my head." 

 He said with a crack in his tone of voice before letting out a few tears that I wiped away. 

 "Love conquers all." 

 I found myself saying.  And to my surprise, he smiled warmly.

 "Just think about it John, Dwayne lies about EVERYTHING!" 

 "True, I mean, WWE fans for example....he lied about coming back and staying." 

 John finally managed to laugh causing me to cheer up seeing he's not so sad anymore.  I smiled to myself having faith we could work.  I then glanced over at his healed shoulder blade and frowned. 

 "Wait, just because you're not human doesn't mean you're safe from harm." 

 I let a few tears fall. 

 "No matter how bad either of us want to be together, I can't, I can't risk losing you." 

 I let all the tears I have held back for so long finally fall as he gently pulled me to a full-embraced hug.  Holding me as I cried into his chest. 

 "But as you saw tonight, you have the power to heal me.  And I have the power to heal you.  Pluse love conquers everything.  The only thing you couldn't love are humans.  You can love me because I'm not a human.  Meaning, I'm not in danger as long as I have you to help protect me and I have faith in you.  I meant it when I said you're my angel."


 I smiled.

 "And I vow to myself I will always protect you."

 "And as you witnessed tonight, I will always protect you as well." 

 I smiled.  My instincts told me this was all true.  As long as your lover isn't a human, you can fall in love with them and you do have thee ability to heal them and they can heal you too with their special kind of lick.  I smiled as we intensely starred at each other with passion in our warm soft eyes as we gently pulled each other into a passionate kiss full of love and lust.  He then picked me up bridal style, took me to our hotel, and with the moon shining in throw the slightly opened window, he gently rested me on the bed while keeping hold on me being on top and leaned down and our lips locked into another passionate kiss full of love and under the stars, we fell asleep inside each others arms. 

AN: So what did you all think? (: something wayy different than from what I usually write right?  LOL Well I hope you all liked it(: